Wednesday, 28 July 2021

What's in pet water filters?

  A drinking filter for cats 🐈 helps to ensure that their drinking water is safe. Cats can develop some of the same problems that humans can from drinking water that contains impurities.

More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats

Activated carbon is found in many filters for water fountains. An ionic resin may also be used.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Nursing Apron Advantages





  Some mothers like to look at their baby while they are nursing. They may also want to have various accessories close at hand. A nursing apron provides all of these benefits and more.

More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats

 Nursing aprons provide a cooler environment for your baby, and may be a better option than a shawl, for a baby that is not fond of too much warmth. They cannot be worn as regular clothing. Aprons can be easily pulled on and off when required.


Safe ATVs for Kids




  Some vehicles make it easy for children to have solo drives. Children who prefer to drive with a sibling or friend may enjoy an ATV that is equipped for passengers.

Parents often invest in an ATV with the hope that it will last a few years. Sturdy metal construction and style should go together. Examine the vehicle carefully to determine whether it has metal sidebars that provide firm support for children.

More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats

 A good rear suspension system lets children drive comfortably over all types of terrain. Plastic parts that are shatter resistant will last even if your kids drive on bumpy roads frequently.


Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Babyproofing Can Be A Bit Overwhelming

  New moms and dads have a lot on their plate and may be tempted to avoid baby proofing because they just don't have the time. Get help if you need it. You can even hire a professional to install carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms for you. They can even do the little things like switching your tablecloth for non-slip placemats or placing non-slip pads under all of your rugs.

Tasks like installing a safety gate or finding the right high chair can also be handled by someone else if you have a lot to manage. While most new parents immediately think of dangers that involve a child who is crawling,, things like smoke or dust can affect your newborn. Ensure that paint that's peeling or flaking is removed by a professional and check your home for radon.

Family reading

Liquid food for senior cats

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Start babyproofing your home early

 Some moms and dads wait until close to their due date to start babyproofing but, at that time, you're going to be really excited, stressed, worried and have a whole lot of things to think about. Many of the steps that are required for babyproofing can be done before you're having back pain, are tired from being unable to sleep comfortably at night and don't have swollen ankles, so take advantage of those early days.

Family reading

CliniCare Feline liquid diet 

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Friday, 9 July 2021

Signs and Symptoms of CHF in Cats

 Cat CHF symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for symptoms of other illnesses. It is important to take your cat to the veterinarian if you notice that they always seem to be struggling fro breath or always seem to be tired.

Cats with CJHF generally start to take in more than 60 breaths a minute, as they struggle to pull in more oxygen so that more can reach their body's cells. Instead of relying on regular nose breathing, they may breathe through their mouth.

Your holistic veterinarian may talk to you about natural diuretics for cats that can help cats with CHF, along with prescription medication.